Westford Republicans Call for Letters from Residents about Concerning Mask Mandate

The Westford Republican Town Committee passed a motion at their monthly meeting on Saturday October 9th, 2021 “to recommend that residents of Westford who have concerns about the recent mask mandate, communicate their concerns in writing to the Westford Board of Health.” 

The committee asserts that “the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored,” as stated on their website at https://westfordmagop.org/republican-beliefs/.

Westford Republican Town Committee Chairwoman Kathy Lynch said, “Mask and vaccine mandates are about human rights and should concern people regardless of party affiliation.”

If you have concerns about: 1) masking children as young as two years old, 2) masking athletes during strenuous activities, and 3) fining residents $300 per violation, now is the time to share your concern in writing.

At the following website, you will find contact information for the five members of the Westford Board of Health and the Acting Health Director. The link also contains excerpts from the mandate and a petition for choice in wearing masks: https://tinyurl.com/stopmasktyranny.

The town committee’s vote comes on the heels of a protest held on the Westford Common, September 30th, 2021 that yielded a total of 40 people including children who find the mask mandate unnecessary and onerous.

The mandate from the Westford Board of Health indicates that the mandate will be reviewed and discussed at each subsequent meeting. The mandate states, “If no action is taken by the BOH [Westford Board of Health] to rescind it, this regulation will remain in effect.”

Letters can be sent to the Westford Health Department, 55 Main St., Westford, MA 01886 or use the email addresses and phone numbers found at: https://tinyurl.com/stopmasktyranny.

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